Note: Processing fees of 10.0% + 0.3 USD charged from provider
Blood API
Analyze blood samples at point-of-care with a simple microscope and a smartphone. Analysis includes:
Screening for different types of Anemia
Following are the steps to call the Blood API in your project:
Send input parameters through POST method
Provide JPG microscopic images of stained blood slide
Pass your email id and secret key
Process response as per your need
There is 1 supported case in Blood API:
1. detect = all (It detects supported medical conditions)
You can pass more than one images as an Array
At least one image is required
See sample code or try live demo
Ideally 4 images of tail end of slide are required
You can pass fewer images but cell count may not be accurate
4 images of slide at 40X for cell counting
Sample image
Copy and past this sample Java Code and replace the
values with your inputs and run the code.
java code
Copy and past this sample JS Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample PHP Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Choose your option to detect
Upload jpg file
AI-Prediction Response
Sputum API
Analyze sputum samples at point-of-care with a simple microscope and a smartphone.
Create slide with AFB Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Use microscope with DIN achromatic objective lens@ 100X & eye piece at 10X and oil immersion.
Analysis includes:
Tuberculosis (afb)
Following are the steps to call the Sputum API in your project:
Send input parameters through POST method
Provide JPG microscopic images of stained sputum slide
Pass your email id and secret key
Process response as per your need
There is one case in Sputum API:
1. detect = all (It detects supported medical conditions )
You can pass one or more images in an array
See sample code or try live demo
Sample image
Copy and past this sample java Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample JS Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample PHP Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Upload jpg file
AI-Prediction Response
Urine API
Analyze urine samples at point-of-care with a simple microscope and a smartphone. Analysis includes:
Pus cells
Red blood cells
Calcium oxalate crystals
Following are the steps to call the Urine API in your project:
Send input parameters through POST method
Provide JPG microscopic images of urine slide
Pass your email id and secret key
Process response as per your need
There is one case in urine API:
1. detect = all (It detects supported medical conditions)
You can pass one or more images as an Array
See sample code or try live demo
Sample Image
Copy and past this sample Java Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample JS Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample PHP Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Upload jpg file
AI-Prediction Response
Vision API
Screen for vision medical conditions with a fundus camera and a smartphone. Medical conditions include:
Diabetic retinopathy
Following are the steps to call the Vision API in your project:
Send input parameters through POST method
Provide JPG fundus image of retina
Pass your email id and secret key
Process response as per your need
There is 1 case in vision API:
1. detect = all (It detects all supported medical conditions )
At least One image is required
See sample code or try live demo
Sample image
Copy and past this sample Java Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample JS Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Copy and past this sample PHP Code and replace the
values with your inputs.
Upload jpg file
AI-Prediction Response
Diet API
Predict multi-vitamin and mineral deficiencies and recommend a diet, exercise and stress reduction plan. The recommendations can be generated for
Eating healthy
Losing weight
Gaining weight
Pregnancy diet
Following are the steps to call the Diet API in your project:
Send input parameters through POST method
Pass your email id and secret key
Process response as per your need
There is 1 case in Diet API:
1. detect = all (It detects all deficiencies and recommends a diet, exercise and stress reduction plan)
In case of key value pairs, value needs to be passed